Improving the quality of life for people living with GERD

cinclus pharma news improving the quality of life for people living with GERD

Millions of people around the world suffer from Gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD. Most people can relate to discomfort caused by reflux and heartburn, two of the most common symptoms caused by light versions of GERD. Symptoms often occur during or after eating and drinking, which affects both motivation and the ability to enjoy social activities such as picnics, dinners, events, or just a cup of coffee with friends. More severe stages of GERD can be very painful, with difficulty in swallowing and esophageal erosions or ulcerations (esophagitis).

Present treatment methods and PPI-based drugs are not effective enough for all types of GERD. Many patients remain untreated or with partially treated symptoms. Cinclus Pharma has identified room for improvement, an unmet need for treatment, especially for patients with erosive GERD. Currently, the company’s P-CAB-based drug candidate linaprazan glurate is being tested for further development.

Read more about GERD

Read more about the clinical development of linaprazan glurate